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Created Bracelets
Created Bracelets
Created Bracelets

“God created each and every one of us for a purpose, and when our purpose and our creativity come together we bring honor and glory to our Heavenly Father. ”

- Molly Grounds, Owner and Designer of Created Bracelets

Hi. My name is Molly Grounds and I am the face behind Created Bracelets. I am a momma to three amazing young adults and have been married to my incredible hubby for 29 years. We have two puppies and live in Nicholasville, Kentucky

What is the mission behind Created Bracelets?

We create both classic and timeless pieces of jewelry. Each piece is custom made in our studio by hand, and most of our bracelets can be personalized with words, meaningful dates, and Bible verses. Our mission is to custom create beautiful handmade and personalized pieces of jewelry that truly tell a story, your story.

Created Bracelets

What is your key bible verse, either business or personal, and why?

Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."

I truly believe that God created each and every one of us for a purpose, and when our purpose and our creativity come together we bring honor and glory to our Heavenly Father.

What prompted you to create a faith-based business?

I have always been passionate about jewelry as well as the power that our words have to speak life and identity over ourselves and others. It was in my quiet time with the Lord that I felt him lay the idea on my heart to let my two passions collide. This is where Created started. Each piece is prayed for and created to call others up to who the Lord sees them to be.

Created Bracelets

Where do you find your inspiration?

I am inspired by several different things: but mostly quiet time with the Lord, vintage shopping, and collecting sea glass on the coast of somewhere beautiful.

How do you bring God’s Word into your products?

Our pieces are prayed over and stamped with words of identity, life, and affirmation. When our customers reach out to us and do not have a word in mind we offer to pray for them and stamp the word that we feel the Lord is speaking over them. We also stamp several of our pieces with favorite Bible Verses.

Created Bracelets

What is the biggest lesson God has taught you through your business?

God is so kind and so faithful and He has truly taught me to trust in Him. Everything is a gift from Him and He continually shows me that all things happen in His timing. Whenever I find myself anxious or worried, He simply reminds me to keep my eyes on Him and trust that His grace and timing for Created are sufficient.

What encouragement can you share with our readers?

The Lord is a good good Father and He always has the best plan for us. It was scary for me to step out and start my own business, but He reminded me and continues to remind me that I am never alone. He is in it with me. He teaches me new things daily, and often times I learn the most when I step out of my comfort zone. He has truly shown me that creating isn’t about being perfect, it is about having a teachable spirit and a grateful heart.

Created Bracelets

Created Bracelets was founded on July 2, 2018, by Molly Grounds. Our pieces are created to be memorable heirlooms to pass down through the ages. One of our greatest joys is to create for the bride to be and her bridal party. We offer three different wedding packages on the website and love to meet with our brides, either in person or through face time. Each and every piece that we create for you truly is a one of kind piece, made with lots of love and prayer from the finest sterling silver and gold-filled precious metals. We are also passionate about making sure that our bracelets fit your wrist, and that is why each piece is customized to your exact wrist measurement. We love people and are never to busy to answer any questions you may have.

Visit Created Bracelets website here: www.createdbracelets.com
Instagram: @createdbracelets
Instagram: #foryouandaboutyou


Created Bracelets

We love to see people using their gifts to glorify Him with their businesses! How are you using your gifts? We want to CELEBRATE you! Connect with us for a chance to be featured.

The master was full of praise:

“Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been
faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!”


Matthew 25:21

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