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Gratitude Gives Life
Gratitude Gives Life
Gratitude Gives Life

“God has shown me who I really am. I am chosen, set apart and
fully redeemed. I want others, especially children, to know those truths.”

- Jessica Lewis, Author of Gratitude Journal & Devotional for Kids

Hello, my name is Jessica Lewis. I have been married almost 10 years to my rockstar husband and have two wild and crazy boys, ages 4 and 7. I am passionate about changing kids' lives by knowing God.

What is the mission behind Gratitude Gives Life?

My mission is to change how children see themselves by changing how they see and interact with God and gratitude.

Gratitude Gives Life

What is your key bible verse, either business or personal, and why?

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

I used to do everything in my own power. It was draining, exhausting and never-ending. Doing things in God’s power and strength is a completely different experience.

What prompted you to create a faith-based business?

My life has been radically transformed through my relationship with Jesus Christ.
My identity used to be in what others thought of me, my past mistakes, my sins, and my failures. God has shown me who I really am. I am chosen, set apart and fully redeemed. I want others, especially children, to know those truths.

Gratitude Gives Life

Where do you find your inspiration?

I wanted my son to know who he was based on Whose he was. I wanted him to
appreciate the things around him, know God’s truths, and learn to pray. I didn’t grow up as a Christian and I know my life would have been different if I knew these things as a child and teenager.

How do you bring God’s Word into your products?

Each day of the journal has a bible verse along with a space to write out your interpretation of the verse.

Gratitude Gives Life

What is the biggest lesson God has taught you through your business?

God has taught me that he is faithful. His words are trustworthy and reliable.

What encouragement can you share with our readers?

Dive in. God says in Jeremiah 29:13, “If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." God wants to meet you where you are. He has a plan for you. You just need to surrender. It may not look the way you think it should. Let go and let God.

Gratitude Gives Life

Gratitude Gives Life was founded in November 2019, by Jessica Lewis. She finds her Gratitude Journal & Devotional for Kids gives children a resource to begin building habits that will serve them for the rest of their lives. She has found that when children do the journal regularly, parents get insights into their kid's worlds, hear thoughts they've never heard before and gain a deeper connection to what is happening in their lives. The children have a greater appreciation for their things, their family and the blessings all around them.

Purchase yours here: Gratitude Journal & Devotional for Kids

Visit the Gratitude Gives Life website here: www.KidsGratitudeJournals.com
Instagram: @gratitudegiveslife
Facebook: @gratitudegiveslife

Gratitude Gives Life

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The master was full of praise:

“Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been
faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!”


Matthew 25:21

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