Hello, Lovely
Hidden Word
Hidden Word Community
Hidden Word

“The daily habit of being in the Word will change your life.”

- Colette Eaton, Founder of Hidden Word Community

Hello! My name is Colette Eaton and I founded the Hidden Word Community out of a deep love for God's Word. When I first came to faith in Jesus, I had an immense hunger for the Word. That hunger drove me eventually to Bible College where I received a degree in Biblical and Theological Studies. After college, I married a man who, eight years later, still makes me laugh till I cry. We live in Portland, OR with our two adorable cats. We would love to add to our family but have struggled with infertility for the past 4 years. One big reason for starting Hidden Word is to create another stream of income to help with the costs of fertility treatments. We pray every day that God will add to our family. A few of my favorite things are: spending time with friends and family, drinking coffee, wine tasting, and hosting parties.

What is the mission behind Hidden Word Community?

Know the Word by heart is our motto! Hidden Word is a community of Christ-followers who engage the spiritual discipline of Bible memorization and meditation. Hidden Word designs plans each month that come with a set of "tools" to make memorizing artful and enjoyable. The two core values of Hidden Word are discipline & grace. We need the discipline because it’s hard work but we also need grace because there’s opportunity for failure. Hidden Word is not about perfection or performance, but simply about developing a daily habit of being in the Word.

What is your key bible verse, either business or personal, and why?

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I may not sin against you" (Psalm 119:11). We live out in our lives what we know to be true in our hearts. If we truly believe what the Word says, it should change us and change the way we live. We are developing a habit of "hiding" the Word of God in our hearts through plans, tools and community.

Hidden Word

What prompted you to create a faith-based business?

I have always been an entrepreneur. I love being my own boss and creating something from nothing. Hidden Word Community is a business ministry that comes from my love of the Word and of business administration.

Where do you find your inspiration?

My plans are inspired and primarily follow the church calendar, however, I will borrow from the western calendar as well. For example, we are focusing on the love chapter in 1 Corinthians for February but will jump right into a Lent plan March 1st.

How do you bring God’s Word into your products?

The main product of Hidden Word Community currently is the downloaded/printable memory cards, journals and art. However, I would love to expand my products in the future to memory cards that are printed on high-quality card stock. I hope to have a Hidden Word Journal available in the spring that can be used for all our plans as well as a few fun things like necklaces and temporary tattoos.

Hidden Word

What is the biggest lesson God has taught you through your business?

The biggest lesson I have learned in my business is that I can't do it alone. I have been praying for collaborators and supporters of Hidden Word Community since it's beginning. I am a self-starter, so I work great on my own but I am also an extreme extrovert and need people to work with. So I am truly grateful to Made with His Love for reaching out and giving me this chance to expand my introduction for Hidden Word Community.

What encouragement can you share with our readers?

Anyone can memorize Scripture! Even if you only memorize one verse, it's still a verse in your heart that the Holy Spirit can use.

Hidden Word

Any additional information you’d like to add?

I would love for everyone to join our Facebook group! It's an awesome connection point that offers daily encouragement and community for those walking through the memorization and meditation plans. You can also follow along with the daily scripture which is posted each morning.

Hidden Word

Hidden Word Community, founded December 2016, exists to equip and exhort the church in the discipline of scripture memorization & meditation so that the Word of God would dwell in His people richly, and be carried into our world.


Visit Colette’s blog and shop her product line here: www.hiddenwordcommunity.wordpress.com
Instagram: @hiddenwordcommunity / Facebook: Group/HiddenWord


For our readers: Please use the code HEART17 through the end of February 2017, for a discount in the Hidden Word Shop!

We love to see people using their gifts to glorify Him with their businesses! How are you using your gifts? We want to CELEBRATE you! Connect with us for a chance to be featured.

The master was full of praise:

“Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been
faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!”


Matthew 25:21

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