Hello, Lovely
Truth Ink
Truth Ink
Truth Ink

“I love fitness and I have a passion for lighting up the world with my Jesus!”

- Brittany Frey, Founder of Truth Ink

Hi! I am a wife and mama to three small kiddos. Spreading the gospel and inspiring others in very unconventional ways bring me great joy!

What is the mission behind Truth Ink?

Our mission is to provide cozy and stylish apparel that reflects truth, love, and hope given by our Savior.

What is your key bible verse, either business or personal, and why?

John 17:17 says “Your word is truth.” Wearing His word not only reminds us of the truth that we so easily forget, but it reminds us that we are made for more.

What prompted you to create a faith-based business?

As a mother, I became hyper aware of the clothing worn by other children and adults and the messages that were being sent through them. Words have POWER and I wanted to change the options offered by the merchandisers. I decided to start with scripture, the foundation of how I want to live, and I began putting them on apparel so that those messages were what people were seeing.

Where do you find your inspiration?

I find our inspiration from the Bible, music, books, friends, and my children.

Truth Ink

How do you bring God’s Word into your products?

By using scripture, focusing on the promises and truths given, and the powerful words represented throughout the Bible.

What is the biggest lesson God has taught you through your business?

To trust wholeheartedly and to not be afraid to take big chances in life. Even when I felt most unequipped, He was (and is) faithfully equipping me in a variety of ways.

What encouragement can you share with our readers?

Just be you and focus on bringing the LIGHT to others. I feel like people are starving for stability and truth in an ever-changing and dark world. If you are sending out God’s light, people naturally want more of it because people are attracted to the light. Being less focused on the “sale” and more invested in the “people’ is what Jesus would do so it is what I should do.

Any additional information you’d like to add?

I would love all the readers to check out our Facebook Group Truth Ink Apparel if they are interested in seeing more about our brand. Truth Ink is not only a T-shirt revival, I offer daily encouraging posts, and fitness tips for those who are interested as well!

Truth Ink was founded in January 2016, and is a faith based apparel company who’s goal is to bring ‘Positive-Wear” into the marketplace that reflects the love, hope, and the promises of Jesus.


See all of Truth Ink's beautiful line here:  www.truthinkapparel.com
Instagram: @truthinkbybrit / Facebook: groups/truthinkapparel


For our readers: Please use the code “TIVIP” on any Truth Ink purchase for an extra discount!

We love to see people using their gifts to glorify Him with their businesses! How are you using your gifts? We want to CELEBRATE you! Connect with us for a chance to be featured.

The master was full of praise:

“Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been
faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!”


Matthew 25:21

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